
Helping Older Adults Accept Having a Home Support Specialist

  It is a difficult scenario many family caregivers have to deal with: your aging parents, who once looked after you, now resist the help they so urgently need. It’s a delicate balance between respecting their freedom and protecting their well-being and safety. When you’re in this position, you are not alone! We recognize the … Continue reading

Posted in Aging at Home, Care Tips, Home Care, Senior Independence

Dementia Care: Communicating with Compassion

  Have you ever said the wrong thing? Maybe your objective was to compliment a friend on her new haircut, but you came across sounding like you were criticizing her previous hairstyle. Choosing our words carefully is always important, but even more so in dementia care. The words we say along with the way we … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Caregiving, Dementia, Family Caregiving, Senior Care

Thriving Independently With Compassionate Senior Care

  As the golden years approach, seniors often face the dual challenge of managing daily life and coping with the absence of close family support. This blog posts aims to help care professionals working with seniors navigate those challenges. With practical guidance and heartfelt support, Sage Home Care can help seniors in our community maintain … Continue reading

Posted in Aging at Home, Care Tips, Home Care, Home Care Services, Senior Independence

Practical Tips to Address the Fear of Falling in Older Adults

  As we age, it is natural to become more cautious about the risk of falling. However, for some older adults, the fear of falling can become paralyzing, causing a decrease in physical activity, social engagement, and overall quality of life. It’s important to address this fear head-on and empower older adults to live confidently … Continue reading

Posted in Fall Prevention, Mental Health, Senior Safety

Family Caregiver Challenges: Identifying the Top 4 Concerns

    If you have ever felt invisible as a family caregiver, you are not alone. Caring for someone you love takes center stage, and you may find that your own needs are placed on the back burner. A recent listening session however, allowed family caregivers to speak honestly and openly about what they need—and … Continue reading

Posted in Caregivers, Caregiving, Family Caregiving