Category Archives: Alzheimer’s

Beyond Aduhelm: Advancements in Alzheimer’s Treatment Options

  There’s no question that there are millions of people working every day to make new advancements in Alzheimer’s treatment options. When a person you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s however, the urgency to find help is all the greater. If this is you, be encouraged! Though Aduhelm, the controversial medication approved by the FDA … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Medical Research | Tagged , , |

Dementia Care: Communicating with Compassion

  Have you ever said the wrong thing? Maybe your objective was to compliment a friend on her new haircut, but you came across sounding like you were criticizing her previous hairstyle. Choosing our words carefully is always important, but even more so in dementia care. The words we say along with the way we … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Caregiving, Dementia, Family Caregiving, Senior Care | Tagged , , |

Recognizing When 24-Hour Dementia Care Becomes Essential

  Taking care of a loved one with dementia requires continuous adaptation to the person’s changing needs. As the disease advances, there comes a point when 24-hour dementia care becomes not just worthwhile but essential for ensuring the safety, well-being, and quality of life for the individual. Listed below are key indicators that signal the … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Care Tips, Dementia, Home Care, Home Care Services | Tagged , , |

How Culinary Care Tactics Engage Seniors with Dementia

  There is something so special about the kitchen. It is the first stop kids make when they get home from school, in search of a snack as well as the opportunity to share about their day. It is the place family members gather to cook holiday meals together. It is also a place to … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Caregiving, Dementia, Home Care, Senior Care | Tagged , , |

Understanding Dementia Shadowing and How to Overcome It

  Primary caregivers of those living with dementia are frequently far too acquainted with the difficulty of trying to find a quiet minute or two alone – to use the bathroom, get a quick shower, and even walk into another room. Seniors with Alzheimer’s can experience heightened fear when a loved one is out of … Continue reading

Posted in Alzheimer’s, Caregivers, Dementia, Senior Care | Tagged , , , |