Tag Archives: Animal Assisted Therapy
What You Should Consider Before Participating in Pet Therapy
Pet therapy, or animal-assisted therapy (AAT), is a type of treatment that utilizes the healing benefits of animals. The most popular pets for these are dogs, and sometimes cats. Although this therapy brings happiness and reduced anxiety and loneliness, there are many things that you should consider before participating in pet therapy. Are you allergic? … Continue reading
Posted in Pet Therapy
Tagged Animal Assisted Therapy, Health Care, Reduced Anxiety, Senior Companion
How Pets Help the Quality of Life for Seniors
A lot of studies have shown that older adults who have pets live longer and enjoy life more in comparison to those who don’t. They exhibit decrease in temperature, stress levels, and the blood pressure as well. Here are some ways in which animal assisted therapy can enhance the quality of a senior’s life in … Continue reading
Posted in Taking Care Of A Pet
Tagged Animal Assisted Therapy, Pet Therapy